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Internetwork Engineering

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Blog Feature

Endpoint Protection | Network Access Control | Cybersecurity

By: Internetwork Engineering
February 24th, 2022

If you’re a technology leader at an enterprise, you’re under pressure to develop and deploy a secure IT infrastructure that supports and scales to a hybrid workforce. And you need to do it fast. Otherwise, your organization’s recovery from the economic conditions of the pandemic could stall. As your team continually battles relentless cyber-attacks, you could also see productivity plummet as a result, affecting the company’s revenue.

Blog Feature

Network Access Control | Cybersecurity

By: Jason Smith
November 16th, 2021

If you’re concerned about Zero Trust Architecture adoption, you’re not alone. It’s slowly becoming a necessity as cyber threats advance, and more companies do their business online. Zero Trust isn't a new concept. The term “Zero Trust” was initially published as part of a Forrester Research paper, “No More Chewy Centers: Introducing the Zero Trust Model of Information Security” in 2010. [1]

Blog Feature

Networking | Endpoint Protection | Network Access Control | Mobility & WiFi

By: Derrick Whisel
December 8th, 2016

In late October of 2016, a domain name service (DNS), host and Internet management company for 80+ major websites experienced several bouts of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks by botnets (short for “robot network”). The end devices were being controlled by a Control Server (CNC Server) not unlike the Droid Control Ships controlling the Droid Armies in Star Wars. The FBI has stated that they do not have any confirmation of a specific group or groups claiming responsibility in the hacker community, but they believe the machines were infected with a variation of the Mirai malware.