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Internetwork Engineering

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Blog Feature

Data Center | Data Protection | converged/hyperconverged

By: Internetwork Engineering
June 20th, 2024

In today's data-driven world, businesses face the constant challenge of managing and protecting their ever-growing volumes of data. To address this challenge effectively, companies need technological solutions that are fast, simple, secure and scalable. In this blog, we'll explore how our new partnership with Exagrid, a leading provider of intelligent hyperconverged storage solutions, can help optimize data management strategies.

Blog Feature

Data Center | Data Protection | Data Storage

By: Internetwork Engineering
May 16th, 2024

Walters State Community College needed a secure and off-network data storage solution that would provide a redundant layer of data protection without breaking the bank. The college maintained onsite backups and a secondary backup at another campus but required a solution that would keep data off their network completely. The primary motivation was to find a cost-effective and reliable cloud storage solution that fulfilled their budget constraints. Wasabi's flat-rate pricing, with no additional charges for egress or API requests, made it an ideal choice for the college's financial considerations.

Blog Feature

Data Center | converged/hyperconverged

By: Sean Rollman
April 16th, 2024

IE has been working with a customer with a large, distributed data center. They requested our services to help address the challenge they faced of building a private cloud solution with automated capabilities for dynamic expansion. The goal was to create a secure environment with the flexibility of a public cloud but that operates within the confines of a government setting, where cloud usage is restricted.

Blog Feature

Data Center | Data Protection

By: Sean Rollman
December 5th, 2023

In today's ever-evolving IT landscape, building and maintaining a modern data center demands a more nuanced approach than ever before. With more organizations considering cloud, multi-cloud, and hybrid-cloud environments, you need a solution that offers flexibility, scalability, and agility to stay ahead of cyberthreats and data compliance obligations. We’re showcasing Cisco Intersight, a cloud-based management and automation platform, as a powerful tool for technical professionals seeking to optimize their data center and cloud infrastructure.

Blog Feature

Data Center | Data Protection | Partners | State & Local Government | Cloud Solutions

By: Internetwork Engineering
September 28th, 2023

If you work in the public sector, then you’re aware of the rigorous compliance and security concerns surrounding PII and SPII. A fact that’s likely the culprit for causing many state and local governments’ hesitation towards cloud migration. Cyber-attacks hijacking, corrupting, deleting, or selling sensitive data have steep consequences for Public Sector accounts lacking the resources to properly protect them, so it’s no surprise.

Blog Feature

Data Center | Collaboration | Cloud Solutions

By: Marty Jefferson
May 25th, 2023

You’ve heard it before, “the cloud is the future of business operations” . Though you may have been intrigued by the prospect of accessing whatever data you need without the physical limitations of having an on-prem data center, you feel uncertain about the security of your data and the unknowns of burgeoning cyber-attacks. We get it, and we see this hesitation all the time. That’s why we’ve decided to compile a list of some of the most prominent misconceptions about migrating to the cloud, and then debunk them with facts, data, and use cases. For quick reference, here are the misconceptions we’ll be covering today.